「算法图文动画详解系列」KMP 字符串查找算法Knuth-Morris-Pratt


  【算法图文动画详解系列】KMP 字符串查找算法(Knuth-Morris-Pratt )




  如果用暴力匹配的思路,并假设现在文本串S匹配到 i 位置,模式串P匹配到 j 位置,则有:

  1、如果当前字符匹配成功(即S[i] == P[j]),则i++,j++,继续匹配下一个字符;

  2、如果失配(即S[i]! = P[j]),令i = i - (j - 1),j = 0。相当于每次匹配失败时,i 回溯,j 被置为0。


  int ViolentMatch(char* s, char* p){ int sLen = strlen(s); int pLen = strlen(p); int i = 0; int j = 0; while (i < sLen && j < pLen) { if (s[i] == p[j]) { //①如果当前字符匹配成功(即S[i] == P[j]),则i++,j++ i++; j++; } else { //②如果失配(即S[i]! = P[j]),令i = i - (j - 1),j = 0 i = i - j + 1; j = 0; } } //匹配成功,返回模式串p在文本串s中的位置,否则返回-1 if (j == pLen) return i - j; else return -1;}KMP 算法

  Knuth-Morris-Pratt 字符串查找算法,简称为 “KMP算法”,常用于在一个文本串S内查找一个模式串P 的出现位置,这个算法由Donald Knuth、Vaughan Pratt、James H. Morris三人于1977年联合发表,故取这3人的姓氏命名此算法。

  The algorithm of Knuth, Morris and Pratt [KMP 77] makes use of the information gained by previous symbol comparisons. It never re-compares a text symbol that has matched a pattern symbol. As a result, the complexity of the searching phase of the Knuth-Morris-Pratt algorithm is in O(n).

  However, a preprocessing of the pattern is necessary in order to analyze its structure. The preprocessing phase has a complexity of O(m). Since mless or equaln, the overall complexity of the Knuth-Morris-Pratt algorithm is in O(n).

  KMP 算法核心原理示意图



  求解前缀表 next[] 的核心思想

  把前缀 P[0:j] 当成是 P 的模式串(P[0:i] ),P 本身当成是查找的文本。

  next [] : 前缀表数组,上图中是 lps 数组。

  KMP 算法源代码

  极简版本的 KMP 算法源代码:


  /** * getNext (pattern) 函数: 计算字符串 pattern 的最大公共前后缀的长度 (max common prefix suffix length) */fun getNext(P: String): IntArray { val M = P.length val next = IntArray(M + 1, { -1 }) // i: current index of P var i = 0 // j: current index of the longest prefix of P var j = -1 next[0] = -1 // next[i] = j // compute next[i] while (i < M) { // 如果当前字符匹配失败(即P[i] != P[j]) && j != 0 ,则令 i 不变,j = next[j]。 // 此举意味着失配时,"模式串"即前缀P[0:j], 不再从 0 位置开始比对,直接从 j = next [j] 位置开始比对。 while (j >= 0 && P[i] != P[j]) { j = next[j] } i++ j++ next[i] = j } return next}/** * kmp substring search algorithm * @param S : the source text string * @param P : the search pattern string */fun kmp(S: String, P: String): Int { val N = S.length val M = P.length if (P.isEmpty()) { return 0 } // j: the current index of P var j = 0 // i: the current index of T var i = 0 // next array val next = getNext(P) while (i < N) { while (j >= 0 && S[i] != P[j]) { j = next[j] } i++ j++ // when j == M, then pattern is founded in text, return the index (i - j) if (j == M) { return i - j } } return -1}fun main() { var text = "addaabbcaabffffggghhddabcdaaabbbaab" var pattern = "aabbcaab" print("${getNext(pattern).joinToString { it.toString() }} \n") var index = kmp(text, pattern) println("$pattern is the substring of $text, the index is: $index") text = "hello" pattern = "ll" print("${getNext(pattern).joinToString { it.toString() }} \n") index = kmp(text, pattern) println("$pattern is the substring of $text, the index is: $index") text = "abbbbbbcccddddaabaacabdcddaabbbbaad" pattern = "aabaacab" print("${getNext(pattern).joinToString { it.toString() }} \n") index = kmp(text, pattern) println("$pattern is the substring of $text, the index is: $index")}// 输出://-1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 2, 3//aabbcaab is the substring of addaabbcaabffffggghhddabcdaaabbbaab, the index is: 3//-1, 0, 1//ll is the substring of hello, the index is: 2//-1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 2, 0, 1, 0//aabaacab is the substring of abbbbbbcccddddaabaacabdcddaabbbbaad, the index is: 14另外一个版本代码:

  /** * getNext (pattern) 函数: 计算字符串 pattern 的最大公共前后缀的长度 (max common prefix suffix length) */fun getNext(P: String): IntArray { val M = P.length val next = IntArray(M, { -1 }) // i: current index of P var i = 1 // j: current index of the longest prefix of P var j = 0 next[0] = 0 // compute next[i] while (i < M) { if (P[i] == P[j]) { // ① val len = j + 1 next[i] = len i++ j++ } else { // 如果当前字符匹配失败(即P[i] != P[j]) && j != 0 ,则令 i 不变,j = next[j-1]。 // 此举意味着失配时,"模式串"即前缀P[0:j], 不再从 0 位置开始比对,直接从 next [j-1] 位置开始比对。 if (j != 0) { j = next[j - 1] // j shift left, jmp ① } else { next[i] = 0 // now j is 0, next i i++ } } } return next}/** * kmp substring search algorithm * @param S : the source text string * @param P : the search pattern string */fun kmp(S: String, P: String): Int { val N = S.length val M = P.length if (P.isEmpty()) { return 0 } // j: the current index of P var j = 0 // i: the current index of T var i = 0 // next array val next = getNext(P) while (i < N - M + 1) { if (S[i] == P[j]) { i++ j++ } else { if (j > 0) { // 当前字符匹配失败(即S[i] != P[j]),则令 i 不变,j = next[j-1]。 // 此举意味着失配时,模式串P 不再从 0 位置开始比对,直接从 next [j-1] 位置开始比对。 j = next[j - 1] } else { i++ } } // when j == M, then pattern is founded in text if (j == M) { return i - M } } return -1}fun main() { var text = "addaabbcaabffffggghhddabcdaaabbbaab" var pattern = "aabbcaab" print("${getNext(pattern).joinToString { it.toString() }} \n") var index = kmp(text, pattern) println("$pattern is the substring of $text, the index is: $index") text = "hello" pattern = "ll" print("${getNext(pattern).joinToString { it.toString() }} \n") index = kmp(text, pattern) println("$pattern is the substring of $text, the index is: $index") text = "abbbbbbcccddddaabaacabdcddaabbbbaad" pattern = "aabaacab" print("${getNext(pattern).joinToString { it.toString() }} \n") index = kmp(text, pattern) println("$pattern is the substring of $text, the index is: $index")}// 输出://0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 2, 3//aabbcaab is the substring of addaabbcaabffffggghhddabcdaaabbbaab, the index is: 3//0, 1//ll is the substring of hello, the index is: 2//0, 1, 0, 1, 2, 0, 1, 0//aabaacab is the substring of abbbbbbcccddddaabaacabdcddaabbbbaad, the index is: 14参考资料



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