


  热替换(Hot Module Replacement)或热重载(Hot Reload)是指在不停机状态下,实时更新,在前端利于来说,在各大框架中及库中都有体现,比如NG从5开始就提供了热更新,RN也有对应的热更新技术,其实客户端技术很早就已经有这方面的探索,本文主要针对Vue脚手架的热更新,其实主要是 Vue-hot-reload-api 这个包的应用,对webpack的HMR比较感兴趣的同学推荐冉四夕大佬的这篇文章 Webpack HMR 原理解析 ,多说一句,个人认为Webpack可能是最好的node.js的工具库应用。


  vue-cli脚手架结构vue-hot-reload-api源码分析vue-cli热更新 vs webpack热更新探索案例



  binvuevue-buildvue-initvue-listlibask.js (自定义工具-用于询问开发者)check-version.jseval.jsfilter.js (自定义工具-用于文件过滤)generate.jsgit-user.jslocal-path.jslogger.js (自定义工具-用于日志打印)options.js (自定义工具-用于获取模板配置)warnings.js[目录描述] vue-cli2的目录结构就是bin下的相关模块,vue-cli最新版将各个模块又单独抽成了独立的文件,并引入了插件机pwa等相关周边的工具引入,使得脚手架更加丰富(见下图),但主要构建流程并未改变,主要就是在bin目录下去配置相关的命令,主要用到了commander处理命令行的包,对于想独立开发个人脚手架的同学可以参考这两篇文章 教你从零开始搭建一款前端脚手架工具 , 走进Vue-cli源码,自己动手搭建前端脚手架工具


  let Vue // late bindlet versionconst map = Object.create(null)if (typeof window !== 'undefined') { window.__VUE_HOT_MAP__ = map}let installed = falselet isBrowserify = falselet initHookName = 'beforeCreate'exports.install = (vue, browserify) => { if (installed) return installed = true Vue = vue.__esModule ? vue.default : vue version = Vue.version.split('.').map(Number) isBrowserify = browserify // compat with < 2.0.0-alpha.7 if (Vue.config._lifecycleHooks.indexOf('init') > -1) { initHookName = 'init' } exports.compatible = version[0] >= 2 if (!exports.compatible) { console.warn( '[HMR] You are using a version of vue-hot-reload-api that is ' + 'only compatible with Vue.js core ^2.0.0.' ) return }}/** * Create a record for a hot module, which keeps track of its constructor * and instances * * @param {String} id * @param {Object} options */exports.createRecord = (id, options) => { if(map[id]) return let Ctor = null if (typeof options === 'function') { Ctor = options options = Ctor.options } makeOptionsHot(id, options) map[id] = { Ctor, options, instances: [] }}/** * Check if module is recorded * * @param {String} id */exports.isRecorded = (id) => { return typeof map[id] !== 'undefined'}/** * Make a Component options object hot. * * @param {String} id * @param {Object} options */function makeOptionsHot(id, options) { if (options.functional) { const rer = options.rer options.rer = (h, ctx) => { const instances = map[id].instances if (ctx && instances.indexOf(ctx.parent) < 0) { instances.push(ctx.parent) } return rer(h, ctx) } } else { injectHook(options, initHookName, function() { const record = map[id] if (!record.Ctor) { record.Ctor = this.constructor } record.instances.push(this) }) injectHook(options, 'beforeDestroy', function() { const instances = map[id].instances instances.splice(instances.indexOf(this), 1) }) }}/** * Inject a hook to a hot reloadable component so that * we can keep track of it. * * @param {Object} options * @param {String} name * @param {Function} hook */function injectHook(options, name, hook) { const existing = options[name] options[name] = existing ? Array.isArray(existing) ? existing.concat(hook) : [existing, hook] : [hook]}function tryWrap(fn) { return (id, arg) => { try { fn(id, arg) } catch (e) { console.error(e) console.warn( 'Something went wrong during Vue component hot-reload. Full reload required.' ) } }}function updateOptions (oldOptions, newOptions) { for (const key in oldOptions) { if (!(key in newOptions)) { delete oldOptions[key] } } for (const key in newOptions) { oldOptions[key] = newOptions[key] }}exports.rerer = tryWrap((id, options) => { const record = map[id] if (!options) { record.instances.slice().forEach(instance => { instance.$forceUpdate() }) return } if (typeof options === 'function') { options = options.options } if (record.Ctor) { record.Ctor.options.rer = options.rer record.Ctor.options.staticRerFns = options.staticRerFns record.instances.slice().forEach(instance => { instance.$options.rer = options.rer instance.$options.staticRerFns = options.staticRerFns // reset static trees // pre 2.5, all static trees are cached together on the instance if (instance._staticTrees) { instance._staticTrees = [] } // 2.5.0 if (Array.isArray(record.Ctor.options.cached)) { record.Ctor.options.cached = [] } // 2.5.3 if (Array.isArray(instance.$options.cached)) { instance.$options.cached = [] } // post 2.5.4: v-once trees are cached on instance._staticTrees. // Pure static trees are cached on the staticRerFns array // (both already reset above) // 2.6: temporarily mark rered scoped slots as unstable so that // child components can be forced to update const restore = patchScopedSlots(instance) instance.$forceUpdate() instance.$nextTick(restore) }) } else { // functional or no instance created yet record.options.rer = options.rer record.options.staticRerFns = options.staticRerFns // handle functional component re-rer if (record.options.functional) { // rerer with full options if (Object.keys(options).length > 2) { updateOptions(record.options, options) } else { // template-only rerer. // need to inject the style injection code for CSS modules // to work properly. const injectStyles = record.options._injectStyles if (injectStyles) { const rer = options.rer record.options.rer = (h, ctx) => { return rer(h, ctx) } } } record.options._Ctor = null // 2.5.3 if (Array.isArray(record.options.cached)) { record.options.cached = [] } record.instances.slice().forEach(instance => { instance.$forceUpdate() }) } }})exports.reload = tryWrap((id, options) => { const record = map[id] if (options) { if (typeof options === 'function') { options = options.options } makeOptionsHot(id, options) if (record.Ctor) { if (version[1] < 2) { // preserve pre 2.2 behavior for global mixin handling record.Ctor.extOptions = options } const newCtor = record.Ctor.super.ext(options) // prevent record.options._Ctor from being overwritten accidentally newCtor.options._Ctor = record.options._Ctor record.Ctor.options = newCtor.options record.Ctor.cid = newCtor.cid record.Ctor.prototype = newCtor.prototype if (newCtor.release) { // temporary global mixin strategy used in < 2.0.0-alpha.6 newCtor.release() } } else { updateOptions(record.options, options) } } record.instances.slice().forEach(instance => { if (instance.$vnode && instance.$vnode.context) { instance.$vnode.context.$forceUpdate() } else { console.warn( 'Root or manually mounted instance modified. Full reload required.' ) } })})// 2.6 optimizes template-compiled scoped slots and skips updates if child// only uses scoped slots. We need to patch the scoped slots resolving helper// to temporarily mark all scoped slots as unstable in order to force child// updates.function patchScopedSlots (instance) { if (!instance._u) return // const original = instance._u instance._u = slots => { try { // 2.6.4 ~ 2.6.6 return original(slots, true) } catch (e) { // 2.5 / >= 2.6.7 return original(slots, null, true) } } return () => { instance._u = original }}整体来说vue-hot-reload-api的思路还是很清晰的,主要就是通过维护一个map映射对象,通过对component名称进行对比,这里主要维护了一个Ctor对象,通过hook的方法在vue的生命周期中进行watch监听,然后更新后进行rerer以及reload

  vue-cli热更新 vs webpack热更新







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